Dress up your child like Krishna or Radha
Fill out the form to register

A wonderful opportunity and lots of prizes to be won!!
Showcase your child as Radha or Krishna on our platform

Registration Closed

We regret to inform you that registration for this event is now closed. Thank you for your interest. Please stay tuned for future events and announcements.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Please participate by voting any of the below pictures. Thank you.

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Entries received till now

Voting will end in

Contest Gallery

Vote for your Favourite photo!

Voting Guideline
Krishna Costume Contest Rules
  • The Krishna Costume Contest 2024 begins on August 13th 2024 and ends on September 2nd 2024.
  • The results will be announced on September 11, 2024, the auspicious appearance day of Sri Radhashtami.
  • The photos uploaded by the contestants will be reviewed and approved within 24 hours. Once approved, the entry will be available for voting in our voting console.
  • The photos will be available for voting from September 1st 2024. The voting will be open till September 8th 2024.
  • This contest is for kids of age up to 10 years. The kids shall be dressed either as Krishna or Radha.
  • The photo must be submitted through our website. Only one photo per kid is allowed. If any duplicate entry is found, the participant will be disqualified.
  • The photos will be screened by the organizers, who may reject the entry if
    -the image is of low quality
    -the photo is digitally manipulated
    -more than one entry per kid is received
    -the image is a collage
    -the photo is disruptively watermarked
    -the submitted entry violates any of the contest rules
    -there are any other subjects other than the kid
    -there are too many modern elements in the background.
    -the photo is a screen shot
  • Participants of Krishna Costume Contest are requested to avoid using real peacock feather for Krishna costume to prevent any possible cruel treatment of the birds. Instead you can use a cut-out of a digital print or hand-drawn peacock feather, or any other innovative way of representing the peacock feather.
  • Images that have won prizes in prior competitions, or have been used for commercial purposes and/or been published will not be eligible.
  • Images of not more than 4 MB in size must be submitted online and the organizer may request for higher resolution images subsequently. The original images should be at least 2MB in size. Submitted images should be in .jpg or .jpeg or .png format.
  • Digital manipulation that distorts the reality of the images will not be allowed. Basic enhancements such as sharpening, contrast adjustment, background changing or cropping is permitted.
  • Participants are entirely responsible for all entry-related costs. The photo submitted must be the original and unpublished work of the participant who must also be its copyright owner. ISKCON Samskriti shall not be responsible for any violation of copyright laws or intellectual property violation laws by the participants.
  • The participant shall ensure that the photo they submit have been taken with the permission of the subject (or the parent or guardian) and do not infringe the copyright of any third party or any laws.
  • The participant shall retain copyright to the image entered for the competition. However, by submitting the photo for the competition, you will be regarded as having granted ISKCON Samskriti the right to use the image in print, broadcast and/or electronic and social media without any fee payment, for the purposes of promoting the competition or the charitable activities of ISKCON Samskriti. The images will not be used by ISKCON Samskriti for commercial purposes.
  • Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
    -Voters’ Choice – top 10 winners securing the highest number of votes
    -Judges’ Choice – cute 16 photos selected by the Judge Panel
    -Apart from this 108 shortlisted images will be showcased in our Facebook page
  • The winning photos will be selected by a panel of judges and their decision is final. No correspondence pertaining to the selection process and decision will be entertained.
  • The panel of judges will evaluate the images based on the following criteria:
    -Presentation, visual appeal and background
    -Originality, creativity and relevance to the theme
    -Technical excellence, composition and overall impact.
  • ISKCON Samskriti reserves the right to award prizes or commendation or to reduce the number of prizes and commendations if an insufficient number of deserving photos is received.
  • ISKCON Samskriti reserves the right to debar a participant who violates any of these terms and conditions, without being liable for any notification.
  • If you have any queries please mail us at info@iskconsamskriti.org - Do not call the temple number or any other contact numbers given on our website.
How to Dress Your Kid as Krishna
Are you going to dress your kid as Krishna? If so, please go through the descriptions of Krishna below which are based on the authentic scriptures. These descriptions give you a good idea of how you should dress your kid. If you keep these points in mind, then better are the chances of your kid winning the contest!

  • Krishna’s dress is just like that of a cowherd boy.
  • He has a flute in His hand. He wears a peacock feather on His head.
  • He has an enchanting smile and is always playful just like an ordinary boy.

  • Krishna has blackish complexion and, curling hair on head.
  • His body is decorated with kumkum red spots & artistic paintings made of sandalwood pulp.
  • He wears tilaka on his forehead and black mascara around his eyes.

  • He wears gorgeous and colorful clothing on the different parts of His body.
  • Generally, Krishna wears four kinds of garments: dhoti, chaddar, turban and belt.
  • He wears a silk thread around his waist. Silk clothes are tied around his waist.
  • His arms are decorated with nice silk thread.

  • Krishna’s Ornaments: Crown, Earrings, Necklace, Bangles, Rings, and Ankle bells
  • The nails of tigers are set in a golden necklace around His neck.
  • He also wears a garland made of varieties of flowers around His neck.
How to Dress Your Kid as Radha
  • Srimati Radharani is the eternal consort of Lord Sri Krishna.
  • She appeared as the daughter of Vrshabhanu.
  • She regularly carries milk in a pot and goes out to sell the milk.

  • Srimati Radharani always meditates on the beautiful form of Krishna.
  • She goes with her friends to the garden to collect flowers to make nice garland for Krishna.
  • She sings and plays musical instruments to please Krishna.
  • She decorates herself with beautiful jewels that give delight to the eyes of Krishna.

  • She paints her face and body with colored ointments and cosmetics.
  • She applies black mascara to her eyes. She anoints her body with various perfumes.
  • She wears a pearl necklace. The tip of her nose is decorated with a pearl ring.
  • Her ears are decorated with wonderful earrings.

  • She has a nice long braided hair. At times she makes beautiful locks of curling hair.
  • Her splendid forehead is decorated with the red pigment called sindura.
  • She has a charming smile. Her lips defeat the red lotus flower.

  • Her upper garment is red like a ruby and it is the favorite of Lord Hari.
  • Her lower garment is the color of a blue cloud and it is Her own favorite.

  • Srimati Radharani wears ten different ornaments on Her form which includes:
    crown, earrings, belt, ankle-bells, bangles, nose ring, finger rings, toe rings, armlets, necklaces.
  • She also wears variety of flower garlands.
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